MPA436B 1/4-inch Free-field Microphone
MPA436B is the new 1/4-inch free-field microphone developed by BSWA and suitable for measurement in free-field and semi free-field without reflection. It is prepolarized microphone without external p..Views:1649
MF720 Hemispherical Array for Sound Power
MF720 are hemispherical array designed by BSWA for sound power measurement. MF720 meet the requirement of 20 microphone method according to GB/T 6882-2016、ISO 3745:2012.Views:3498
MF710 Hemispherical Array for Sound Power
MF710 are hemispherical array designed by BSWA for sound power measurement. MF710 meet the requirement of 10 microphone method according to GB 6882-1986, ISO 3745:1977, GB/T 18313-2001 and ..Views:2958
VA-Audio is a software module for characterizing the performance of electro acoustic products, audio electronics, and transducers. With the simplicity of operation required for production line QC,..Views:2825
Human ear has a very complicated construction. Artifcial ear is a receiving device in conformity to the human ear. BSWA AE002 is designed for receiving response measurements. The design is ..Views:2959
AE711 is designed to test different types of cell phones on the product line. It conforms to IEC711 and ITU-T P.57 standard. It is supplied with MPA253 pressure field microphone.Views:2480
VA Audio Software
VA-Audio is a software module for characterizing the performance of electroacoustic products, audio electronics, and transducers. With the simplicity of operation required for production line QC, ..Views:3120